Harry Massey is a well-known bioenergetic expert, speaker, and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the field of bioenergetics—the study of energy in living systems—to help people worldwide restore their energy, health, and vitality for life.
After suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome that left him bedridden and suffering for almost 10 years, Harry stumbled onto bioenergetics and began researching, exploring, and developing bioenergetic treatments that eventually led him to fully regain his energy and life.
As a serial entrepreneur, Harry became the founder of NES Health, XPO Health, and Energy4Life—all companies dedicated to researching and developing advanced bioenergetic technologies and solutions that are transforming patient health and wellness in remarkable ways. Harry has also invented dozens of bioenergetic devices and technology.
He has developed proprietary IP approved by the FDA including the miHealth device, infoceuticals, and the Bioenergetic WellNES System. READ MORE

This guy is brilliant! He’s a massive visionary, innovator with high integrity. He has basically gotten the world of bioenergetics out into the world where people can understand it.”

AUTHOR | FILMMAKER | Entrepreneur | Product Developer
Product Developer

The GIST Process
In the journey of becoming the conscious creator of our reality, there exists a crucial element that enables us to receive valuable feedback from the energy we emit into the universe. This tool, known as The GIST, stands as a testament in its simplicity and remarkable power. Developed by Harry Massey, The GIST teaches you how to master your energy, so you can master your life. Based on Massey’s more than 20 years of experience in bioenergetics, The GIST will help you unlock your powers of manifestation to massively transform your life for the better. Massey’s revolutionary approach centers around Gratitude, Intention, Trust, and Surrender (The GIST).
With a simple, step-by-step process, The GIST empowers you to:
- Master your internal world
- Build wealth and abundance
- Foster loving, harmonious relationships
- Reclaim your energy, health, and vitality
- Connect to your inner self.